We have experts in different HR fields, ready to offer you customized solutions

Let PrimalHR manage some or all your HR needs without adding headcount.

If you need an extra pair of hands to implement an HR function in your company, PrimalHR is here for you. We shall come when you need us, do a credible job, and leave when you tell us to. 

HR outsourcing is a cost-effective way of getting your HR needs satisfied without adding headcount to your team. At PrimalHR, we have experts in different HR fields, whether you want to do recruitment, training and development of your staff, or HR strategy for your company, among other needs.

PrimalHR has experienced professionals to help your company with the following

  • Employee benefits and compensation
  • Institutional and organizational development
  • Performance management (BSC)
  • Payroll administration
  • Reward and recognition
  • Talent management
  • Development of HR policies, processes & procedures
  • Organizational culture and Change Management
  • Employee engagement and retention
  • Team building

PrimalHR Advantage

If you are a startup, you don’t need to struggle with HR issues. Your company may still be too small to have a fully-fledged HR department, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get quality HR services. We want you to focus on the core function of building products, services, distribution, and marketing, so as to bring in revenue. PrimalHR solutions will ensure that you don’t have to lose sleep because of people issues.

If you are a medium-sized or big organization, you may not have all the expertise for every project you want to undertake. PrimalHR is your partner in providing experienced HR experts in different fields to help you implement your projects without adding headcount.


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