Primal work readiness course

Boost your chances in the job market and entrepreneurship with soft skills that are not taught in school

Course aim

The Primal Work Readiness Course aims to equip young people with practical real-life solutions for real-world problems based on current market needs.
Specific aims include:

  • To develop and consolidate soft skills that graduates need to compete in the job market
  • To equip graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills for new venture creation and stimulate their entrepreneurial drive
  • To bridge the divide between what is taught in class and what is expected in the world of work in the modern times
  • To provide an avenue for sharing experiences and providing mentorship to enable graduates to achieve their potential

Course Synopsis

The course explores the skills and knowledge that graduates may not have gained from formal education, yet necessary for success in their professional lives and entrepreneurship. The course is divided into eight modules which complement each other to churn out an all-round individual ready to take on real-world challenges.
The course begins by guiding candidates on how to prepare a great CV that increases their chances of getting shortlisted, while module two equips participants with skills for preparing and passing job interviews. Module three equips participants with knowledge on how to prepare and present pitch decks and business plans as well as the basics of creating and managing your own business. Module four deals with managing people and negotiation skills while module five delves into leadership aspects that are needed both at work and in entrepreneurship. The last three modules are aimed at developing skills in writing & communications, emotional intelligence, and personal finance.
The approaches used in delivering this course are practical and intended to help participants apply the acquired skills in the real world.


The learning outcomes for the Primal Work Readiness Course are divided into knowledge-based outcomes and skills-based outcomes.

Knowledge-based outcomes

On completion of this course, participants will be able to understand:

  • The critical soft skills needed to succeed in the world of work
  • How to prepare competitive CVs
  • How to prepare and answer interview questions
  • How to deal with people
  • How to start your own business venture including the process of preparing business plans and pitch decks
  • Emotional intelligence and how to deal with others

Skills-based outcomes

Upon completion of the course, participants will develop:

  • Ability to communicate and market themselves and their ideas
  • Ability to work independently and accomplish tasks with confidence
  • Ability to generate business ideas and effectively plan to implement them in the real market
  • Skills to negotiate and get what they want
  • Skills to manage their finances and work towards financial independence

Course Structure

The course is divided into eight modules as follows:

  • Writing a winning CV
  • Preparing and succeeding in job interviews
  • Entrepreneurship: developing and presenting pitch decks and business plans
  • Negotiation and dealing with people
  • Leadership & management
  • Writing & communications
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Personal Finance

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