Change Management

PrimalHR is your strategic partner in implementing a successful change program that ensures that you maintain the trust and loyalty of your team.


Let your change program be part of the 30% that succeeds

Statistics from management research have shown that about 70% of change programs fail to achieve their intended objectives. Another research indicated that after mergers and amalgamations, 75% of key staff leave the organisation within three years. These can be very disturbing statistics since we desire to introduce change programs from time to time.

At PrimalHR we believe in participative change

But the reasons for the failure of change programs seem to stem from the way that change is introduced. Most change programs tend to be imposed (or at least employees view them as imposed). At PrimalHR we believe in participative change that ensures that the concerns of the team are well taken care of.

Our certified change professionals will partner with you to find out whether change is necessary, whether the change you need is possible, whether the staff are ready for change, and whether managers understand the need for change, among others.


Context Matters, our approach is different.

We first understand the culture and context of the organization before crafting solutions. We don’t work like the other consultancy firms that come with a template that they have applied elsewhere and just copy and paste the solutions without considering the context.

Discover what’s possible