Job search solutions

We know looking for a job can be hard, but you don’t have to do it alone


We know looking for a job can be hard, but you don’t have to do it alone.

Are you looking for a job? Are you looking for opportunities to advance your career? At PrimalHR we understand that looking for job opportunities can be a daunting task, especially in a country with high levels of unemployment.

But you don’t have to walk that journey alone. We want to handhold you and support you in searching for great career opportunities. Whether you are looking for short-term jobs, part-time jobs, or long-term opportunities, we are here for you.


Let us save you time and money

By creating a profile and giving us your credentials and needs, you stand a chance of being seen by thousands of potential employers. Our system ensures that your profile is exposed to several employers, while maintaining your privacy, since your personal information is not made public. We may only share your personal details with a potential employer after seeking your permission.

Discover what’s possible

Create a profile today and leave the rest to us